PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 65498749874 bytes exhausted ….

This error message can spring up in a previously functional PHP script when the memory requirements exceed the default 8MB limit. Don’t fret, though, because this is an easy problem to overcome. To change the memory limit for one specific script by including a line such as this at the top of the script: ini_set(“memory_limit”,”12M”); … [Read more…]

How to make jQuery work on the same page with Mootools and or Prototype?

Recently i have faced thats problem on my project. Several of my pages use both JQuery and Protoype. Also i have used Mootools some pages. JQuery this appears to be causing problems, because both libraries define a function named ‘$’. JQuery provides a function noConflict() which relinquishes control of $ to other libraries that may … [Read more…]